
Showing posts with the label eyetreatment

Exploration journey for light, shine together with Eastsuperstar oxygen eye mask

In life, light is everywhere. Whether it is natural sunshine or bright spotlights, light is beautiful. At the heart of Eastsuperstar, light is hidden within each of us.    With the step-by-step launch of our new Eastsuperstar, we will uncover this radiance, experience the beauty of natural balance, and utilize scientific breakthrough knowledge to create classic skincare art.                                  THE JOURNEY OF HAPPINESS    Our beloved ancestors have been exploring the meaning of beauty for thousands of years. With our Earth as their playground, they explored, and opened our eyes to the wonders of Nature and the sustenance it provides for the exprEastsuperstarion of beauty.  Nature has created fantastic herbs that enhances the the beauty of the world. This marvel of Nature, drives us to explore nature for the secrets of its beauty. Legend has it that Asia contains thi...

The key to beautiful eye --Eastsuperstar oxygen eye mask

The key to beautiful eye --Eastsuperstar oxygen eye mask Tips😀💓 1.You don't need to wash your face with hot water to get it clean: In fact, hot water can cause redness and irritation in people with sensitive skin, and for those with normal skin, it can still dry out delicate facial skin, leaving it more susceptible to all kinds of issues, from red, flaky dermis to acne. Wash your face with mildly warm to air-temperature water. It will get the job done without irritating your skin. The same goes for the rest of your body; it may feel good to burn it up in the shower, but especially as cool weather draws closer, this is guaranteed to irritate your skin. 2. You don't need to scrub to exfoliate: Scrubbing with most drug-store brand cleansing scrubs is much too harsh for most skin types (more frequent and harder face-washing can actually exacerbate acne, so lighten up). Instead of using toxin- and chemical-packed scrubs in a tube, exfoliate naturally using fruit. As long as you ar...

Eastsuperstar oxygen eye mask-Do men need skin care?

 John: Look at that girl over there. Shes really pretty, isnt she? She has gorgeous skin!  Becky: Well, thats just because she puts lots of make-up on her face. Actually, natural beauty comes from within, not from without. John: Ah, I can smell jealousy in the air!  Becky: She has nothing that deserves my jealousy. I dont have to put things on my face and I still look pretty. Dont you think so?  John: Yeah, right! But what did you put on your face last night, those little greenish things?  Becky: Theyre cucumbers. Theyre natural skin soothers, natural healers of the skin. They are different!  John: Really?  Becky: Of course. Havent you heard them say on TV? They soften the skin and build resilience.  John: Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out tired feelings and remove wrinkles and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See? I can even recite it. Becky: Thats right! Youve learned a lot, havent you? ohn: You can also use the Eye mask.  Becky: Yeah, that is Ea...